Tigray security forces, Lt. Gen. Tadese Adaza said that President Reda has been banned from appointing or removing new positions.
It was pointed out that this was decided because of the widening of the differences between the Tigray interim administration and the TPLF group led by Debretsion G/Michael.
The members of the defense forces who were sentenced to death by the military courts were pardoned
In relation to the conflict in the northern part of the country, the defense army reminded on its social networking page that some army members have committed crimes against the interests of the army and the public by ignoring their constitutional mandate.
After committing a crime, 178 army members in prison repented of their crimes and submitted their request for forgiveness to the government and the Ministry of Defense.
Following their request for pardon, on the one hand, their case was presented to the Board of Pardons, which took into consideration the objectives of pardoning according to the provisions of Article 3 of Proclamation No. 840/2006 and that these army members regretted the crime they had committed.
Based on the decision of the Parole Board, the Ministry of Defense has announced that 178 members of the army who were undergoing corrections will be released from prison on parole from today, 5th of August 2016.