The prosecutor filed a case against John Daniel

👉🏼 Three charges have been filed against John Daniel on Tik Tok, and Yoni Magna has also been named.

Dagu Journal heard that the Ministry of Justice has filed three charges against six individuals, including Daniel Yohannes.

The prosecutor filed charges against the individuals for the Federal High Court’s appointment hearing, for mishandling an airplane, for disseminating a defamatory video through a computer system by live transmission through social media, and for resisting and disobeying a public servant from performing his official duties.

While all of them were charged with the two crimes, Johannes Daniel, who is known as Tiktok, was charged with all three.

We don’t get off the plane for two whole hours;
The prosecutor also detailed that he had defamed the name of the airline by directly broadcasting Yoni Magna on Tiktok, saying that he was kidnapped without being held hostage by telling others not to download it.
The families of the deceased have told Deutsche Welle that four farmers who were held hostage by militants in the Kore zone of the southern region of Ethiopia were brutally killed.
It is said that the gunmen carried out the killing on Thursday after they received one hundred thousand birr and one carton of cigarettes as collateral for the release of the farmers. 

Three relatives of the deceased told Deutsche Welle that the farmers were abducted yesterday morning while they were tending cattle.
After taking the hostages, they took them to a forest called Kalia.
They sent us a message that they would release them if they were given one hundred thousand birr and one carton of cigarettes.
Although we sent what we were told according to our request, after receiving the money and tobacco, they killed them.
His funeral is being done today, Friday,” he said. 

Deutsche Welle’s efforts to include the opinion of the Kore zone manager and the officials of the peace and security department on the killing of the farmers failed because the leaders were said to be in a meeting.
Despite this, the zonal administration, which confirmed the killing of the farmers on its Facebook page, announced that the perpetrators of the act were anti-peace groups operating in the area.