The Ministry of Education announced today that only 5.4 percent of the 674,823 students who took the 12th grade international entrance exam

The Ministry of Education announced today that only 5.4 percent of the 674,823 students who took the 12th grade international entrance exam for this year’s higher education institutions scored more than 50 percent.
Minister Prof. Birhanu Nega announced in his statement that 1,363 schools failed to pass the national exam.
Of the 321,536 students who sat for the exam in the field of natural sciences, only 9 percent scored more than 50 percent.
On the other hand, it is said that only 2 percent of the 353,287 examinees who sat for the exam in the social science field got a passing score.

Tigray interim administration deputy head of government and head of security, General Tadese Nadze, urged in a press conference today that the interim administration should stop the allocation changes made by various structures in the region.
General Tadese stated that the need to stop the allocations and transfers is because the political problem in the region is getting worse.
General Tadese warned that if the political problem continues like this, it may be taken out of the hands of the Tigray natives and become a gateway for a third party.
General Tadese said that it is harmful to hold a protest rally in the region and that the rally will remain banned.

Ethiopia has asked the United Nations Security Council in a letter to consider Egypt’s “repeated threats of force” against Ethiopia, local news sources reported.
Ethiopia made this request.
In the letter that Egypt’s current president, Pagome 1, officially sent to the Security Council regarding the water filling of the Renaissance Dam.
In a letter written to the President of the Security Council, Foreign Minister Taye Atsiksilase stated that Ethiopia will not fully accept Egypt’s accusation.
It is said that the use of natural resources is the responsibility of sovereign countries and differences between the basin countries should be resolved through bilateral relations or regional frameworks.

Esmegu asked the government to pay enough attention to conflicts and instabilities and to facilitate a peaceful resolution of disputes in the new year through discussions with relevant stakeholders.
Ismegu called on the government to identify the causes of the conflicts and provide urgent solutions and make great efforts to resolve the conflicts in the Amhara and Oromia regions through dialogue and peaceful means.
Isemagu called on the government to stop arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances and not appearing in court at the appropriate time in different parts of the country.

Three people were killed in a landslide that occurred last week on Friday in Jimma Horo district of Kelem Welega zone of Oromia region.
It is said that the landslide occurred in the night of three Kebeles, following the heavy rain.
Dochevele reported that he had heard that the girls were members of the same family and that all three of them were found the next day.
The disaster risk management office of the zone revealed that 20 hectares of land covered with crops were damaged in the accident.

Government news sources reported that the Federal High Court has ordered the prosecutor to file charges on September 3 against Yohannes Daniel, who is suspected of causing violence in the Ethiopian Airlines passenger plane.
The court issued the order after the Federal Police completed its investigation on the suspects and handed them over to the prosecutor.
It is said that the prosecutor has asked to be allowed only 5 days to file a case.
It has been revealed that the court rejected the bail request submitted by the suspects.
The six suspects charged