Sheikh Mohammed Al-Amuddin, Abnet G/Kress had filed a lawsuit in court demanding that Abnet “return to me” the money he had donated to various government institutions in the past, including the 75 million birr he said he had “given” to the prosperity party.
The Federal High Court, which has been looking into the case, in the hearing on October 5, 2017, decided that Mr. Abnet should pay 852 million birr, according to the court document seen by Zebema.
Sheikh Mohamed Ali Alamudi, National Oil Company of Ethiopia, from 2004 to 2013.
According to the court document, more than eight hundred and fifty million birr of their 70 percent share of shares was deposited into the bank account of Mr. Abnet Gebrekrems, who was their representative.
This share of Sheikh Al-Amoudi, through Mr. Abnet, was spent as a gift to several institutions and officials, including the Prosperity Party.
Al-Amudi, however, was arguing that he did not represent Mr. Abnet to give the gift, so return the money to me.
According to the case file that Wazema saw, 852 million 462 thousand 650 Birr was deposited in Mr. Abnet’s bank account out of the total profit share guaranteed by the company to go to Alamudi from the profits made by National Oil Ethiopia Company from 2004 to 2013.
According to the document, more than 581 million birr was paid to government officials, including government institutions, from Mr. Abnet’s bank account with the consent of Sheikh Al-Amoudi, Dagu Journal observed from a report from Evezema.
This court document, which mentions that 75 million birr was paid to the Prosperity Party, shows that 120 million birr was given to the Addis Ababa City Administration Social Trust Fund, 5 million birr to the Federal Police and 7 million birr to the Information Security Network Agency.
Regarding these and other payments mentioned in the document, Sheikh Ali Al-Amoudi argued that I represented Ato Abnet not to give me a gift, but to return these payments to me.
As indicated by the documents of the plaintiff and the defendant, the defendant, Mr. Abnet G/Kres, argued that I should not be sued because I spent these fees as a representative, and I only fulfilled my duty as a representative.
The Federal High Court, which was hearing the case, heard on the eve of closing the case when the accused Abnet G/Kres ordered them to pay 852,462,650 birr to Al-Mudi, including the 75 million birr paid to the Prosperity Party.