It was announced that 47 individuals suspected of illegal human trafficking were arrested

Government has announced that investigation has started on 47 individuals suspected of human trafficking.

He pointed out that “the suspects were able to be arrested by using the legal process as a cover to illegally send citizens to various foreign countries through Bole Airlines.”

The government announced that those who were arrested on suspicion of illegal activities are agencies operating with legal licenses.

Ethiopian Federal Police, in collaboration with the National Intelligence and Security Service, found that the suspects were “forging visas under the guise of tourism, education, work and foreign training in connection with illegal brokers in foreign countries.”

According to the government, during the search of the suspect’s offices and residences, several passports, several travel tickets, visas of different countries, payment documents, various bank books, several mobile phones, several laptops and other evidence were seized as exhibits.

He said that the suspects were using fraudulent QR codes and fake documents that the Ministry of Labor and Skills did not know about during the inspection of the passports of 1 thousand 109 travelers who were about to leave the country illegally.

According to the police investigation file, the information we received from the Federal Police shows that they were smuggling citizens to Dubai, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar and Oman as well as other countries.
TPLF stated that they are defaming me as if I do not support the #Pretoria Peace Agreement.

“The idea that we don’t support the Pretoria Peace Agreement is false, it’s slanderous,” said Fisha Haftezion (Dr.), who was a negotiator in Pretoria on behalf of the TPLF and is an executive in the TPLF team led by Debresion G/Michael.

At the time of the signing of the Pretoria agreement, the executive said that there was “a big difference between the representatives who participated on behalf of Tigray” and said, “It was a blessing that everyone agreed and signed the agreement at the time, and we believed that we will fill the remaining deficiencies in the process.”

Tigray’s interim administration has been in place for one year and eight months, but “it was not included in the initial documents of the Pretoria agreement regarding the establishment of a temporary administration in the region, it was included later in the process, we argued why at the time,” they said.

He mentioned that “the age of the temporary administration is only from six months to one year”.

“It is completely false that the TPLF has a relationship with Shabiya,” he said.