In just 11 months, 15,000 citizens left the country illegally” – National Intelligence and Security

In just 11 months, 15,000 citizens left the country illegally” – National Intelligence and Security

The National Intelligence and Security has announced that the owners of 49 agencies suspected to be involved in human trafficking have been arrested.

The Security Institute has confirmed that 15 thousand citizens left the country illegally in the 11 months from August 2015 to June 2016 alone.

Tourist and #Work visas that are issued with benefits will be used for the purpose as well as individuals working in embassies;

It has been pointed out that various bodies including brokers operating in the country and abroad will participate.

Illegal employment is a violation of Ethiopians’ human rights.
For psychological damage;
It is said that they are being subjected to rape, organ theft and death.

In addition to this, the concerted criminal act of forcing citizens to leave the country illegally under the guise of their legal permits has resulted in the loss of 11 million dollars that the country deserves.

Referring to the study, the National Intelligence and Security Service stated that some individuals who work in the government structure are complicit in the crime of human trafficking by creating beneficial relationships.

He added that citizens are being transported by sea, land and air to foreign countries, then they are brought to a center and offered for sale through negotiations with employers.

He also asked all Ethiopians to do their part by pointing out those who commit such acts to the relevant security and safety agencies.
Yohans Ayaleu, who led the Development Bank as president for the past four years, resigned from his position.
They said that Yohannes resigned from his position, “on their own accord and for personal reasons”.
Following Yohannes’ resignation, the Bank’s Vice President, Mr. Wake, was appointed Acting President.
Yohannes was reported to have said this morning that the bank has reduced its non-performing loan ratio from 57 percent a few years ago to 6.5 percent, and that government interference, poor internal operations and human resource problems had plagued the bank before he resigned.
3.9 percent of the bank’s bad loans were taken for large farms in Gambella and Benshangul Gumuz regions, Yohannes is also reported to have revealed.