On September 4, 2017, a dolphin that was traveling from Wolkite to Wolkite collided with an Isuzu FSR truck that was traveling from Wolayita to Wolkite at 2:30 in the evening of Gurage Zone, Cheha District, at Mmedber High School.
Four people including the driver died in the accident.
The rest of the passengers were taken to Gubre Referral Hospital for treatment.
Electricity service up to 95 Birgaba per kilowatt
Electricity service will be increased to 95 Birr per kilowatt in the next 3 months from September.
Starting from September, electricity service will be increased to 95 Birr per kilowatt in the next 3 months.
The office has released the information regarding the tariff revision on electricity service starting this September.
It is said that electricity service charges will be increased by up to 40 percent with the tariff revision starting this year.
It is said that in the tariff adjustment for 3 months starting from this September, electricity service users will be charged an increase of 42 cents per kilowatt compared to the previous bill.
It is said that if they are high energy consumers, the generation tariff will be increased by 81 cents per kilowatt.
On the other hand, it is said that there will be an increase in the power transmission tariff, and the electricity service users will have to pay an increase of 26 birr and 34 cents per kilowatt.
If you are a high power user, you will be charged 95 birr from 87 cents per kilowatt.