America has extended its sanctions against #Ethiopia

The United States has announced that it has extended the sanctions imposed on Ethiopia following the #Tigray war for another year.

America dropped the sanctions in September 2021;
Her efforts to stop the war in Tigray and withdraw the Eritrean troops from the region, to improve the supply of humanitarian aid, and to bring the conflicting forces to negotiations were not accepted.

The White House has announced that US President Joe Biden has decided to extend the sanctions.
He mentioned that “the situation in northern Ethiopia is a threat to the peace, tranquility and stability of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa”.
He said that the threat to US foreign policy also continues.

Therefore, they decided that it is necessary to extend the sanctions imposed on Ethiopia until September 17, 2025.

This sanction, which was imposed by the United States in September 2021, was to last for two years, and it is known that it was extended for another year a year ago.
From the information gathered by Evezema, she learned that even after the state of emergency imposed in the Amhara region was lifted at the end of May, prohibitions and restrictions are still in effect in many of the region’s big cities.
In the region’s major cities, restrictions on the movement of people and vehicles and various curfews continue.
Holding peaceful demonstrations and carrying weapons is still prohibited in many cities.
However, a legal expert who spoke to Wazema stated that in the absence of a state of emergency declared by the government, subordinate structures such as city administrations do not have the constitutional authority to impose curfews and other restrictions on citizens through their security forces.

Reporter reports that the Industrial Parks Development Corporation is establishing new companies to take over and manage some of the industrial parks.
The report mentions that the companies will be responsible for managing industrial parks’ manufacturing and agricultural production chains, logistics and construction operations, and providing consulting services to investors.
The government has drafted a draft law to transfer 13 industrial parks it owns and manages to a special economic zone.
The corporation said that while the company that will take over the agriculture-related activities of the parks, will provide essential raw materials to the special economic zones, the company that will handle the logistics wing will be engaged in allocating sites for investors in the special economic zones and transporting materials from the port.