The accused who committed the crime of raping a 15-year-old boy in Konta Zone Amaya District, Opalashe Kebele for four, were sentenced to prison.
Accused are four in number.
Mathews Dewana and Ashisawu Alula are individuals.
The individuals, at approximately 8:00 in the Amaya district, killed a 15-year-old girl who was going to Opalashe Kebele to visit her family, Inspector Dejene Asefa, Public Relations and Communications Director of the South West People’s Ethiopia Regional Police Commission, told Bisrat Radio and Television.
The criminals who were charged with the crime of rape were sentenced to 7 years imprisonment each in the trial held on 5th of August 2016.
Inspector Dejene Asefa told Bisrat Radio and Television that the fourth accused is between 10 and 13 years old and the accused cannot be arrested and because there is no correctional institution in the zone, the family will sign him and take him under surveillance and arrest.
It was said that it has been decided to demolish many residential and commercial houses in Sheger city, Abichu and Sululta sub-cities for the development of a corridor without compensation or alternative locations.
Following the decision to demolish many residential and commercial houses in Mene Abichu and Sululta sub-towns of Sheger city of Oromia region for corridor development without compensation or alternative location, property owners are under great threat, he told Eve.
Residents who have been told that they will be evicted are located in Tufa Muna, Weserbi and Abagade districts.
Eve heard that the workers and security forces of the sub-districts, without prior warning, gave up when marking and started partially demolishing it yesterday.
It is said that among the properties that will be demolished, there are gas stations, banks, buildings under construction and hotels.