Addis Ababa University closed Tigrinya language and philosophy courses due to lack of students

Addis Ababa University’s Department of Tigrinya Language and Literature, established 18 years ago;
It is about to close this school year.
Undergraduate course in Philosophy Department;
The university has decided to discontinue it from this year.

The oldest university came to this decision;
The departments have not admitted new students for the past five consecutive years.

“The main reason why Tigrinya lost students is known.
It is because of the war.
He hurt us.
The head of the education department Mr. Hadgu Teka explained the reason for the problem.
The Department of Tigrinya Language, Literature and Folklore last received new students in 2010.

Another type of education that was decided by the university to be discontinued for the same reason as Tigrinya and language literature;
It is a philosophy course offered at undergraduate level.
The head of the department, Dr. Fasil Merawi, told “Ethiopia Insider” that the Department of Philosophy has not accepted new students in the first degree program since 2011.
Sheikh Mohammed Hussain Alamuddin thanked the employees and management of Midrok Investment Group for their work.

Medrock Investment Group today recognized its executives and employees for outstanding performance at the Millennium Hall.

At the same time, Sheikh Mohammed Hussain Alamuddin sent a message via Zoom.
The staff and management of the institute thanked for their work.

Sheikh Mohammed Hussain Alamuddin said that he will come to Ethiopia soon.

In the forum, it was mentioned that Midrock Investment Group achieved 90 percent of its plan in the 2016 fiscal year.

The institute also gave a gift of 100 to 500 thousand birr to each of its 400 employees who achieved outstanding results.