Addis Ababa Trade Office announced that it has imported onions from Tanzania for the occasion

Addis Ababa Trade Office announced that it has imported onions from Tanzania for the occasion

Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce director of communication affairs director, Ato Bodiya Ayelele told Ethio FM that they have imported onions from Tanzania beyond the regions to prevent a shortage of supply in the upcoming holiday market.

He pointed out that activities are being done in relation to consumer cooperatives, especially on the Sunday market, and that they have been able to import onions from various countries, including Tanzania, into the city.

He said that the reason for the recent popularity of onion is that there is water lying in the onion fields.

The office also revealed that it has done joint operations to import onions and consumer cooperatives.

The director added that operations have been carried out to monitor traders who increase the market unnecessarily and especially those who are working with business licenses are being issued from license warnings to written warnings.

Thus, for the festival, onion, egg, oil, flour, livestock, butter, teff products are being offered at reasonable prices in coordination with the Oromia region and the Addis Ababa Business Organization and the Cooperative Commission, Ethio FM reported.
The Ministry of Finance has announced that 15 cubic meters of water for residential use per month, excluding bottled water, has been exempted from VAT as per the revised VAT rate.
The directive also exempted residential consumers using 200 kilowatt hours of electricity from VAT.
The directive stipulates that companies engaged in the field of electricity generation and transmission are obliged to collect value added tax on the electricity they supply in bulk and submit it to the government.
The directive that determines the electricity and water consumption of the residence, which is exempt from value added tax, will be effective from the new year