28 people died in a traffic accident

28 people lost their lives when a public transport vehicle that was traveling from Walayita Sodo town to Dauro zone overturned.

Inspector Wolde Biliso, Head of the Traffic Accident Prevention and Control Division of the Walayta Zone Police Department, told Fana Broadcasting Corporation that apart from the dead, 29 people were seriously and lightly injured.

They also confirmed that the accident happened today at 7:00 a.m.

He mentioned that the accident is serious and indicated that the death toll may increase.

Police said that the accident happened when a public transport bus that was traveling to Dauro zone from Walayta reached Papata Kebele in Kindo Didaye district.

How many people died and were injured in the accident?
In response to our question, Deputy Commander Ngatu, the police commander of the zone, said, “About 28 people died. 14 people were seriously injured and 5 people were lightly injured.”

“A total of 47 people died, serious and minor injuries were reported,” he said.

“From children to adults, they have been injured in a very unfortunate way,” they said.

“The death toll may increase. Now, eight people are being sent to intensive care,” the commander said.

Is the cause of the accident known?
To Tikvah’s question, “Technical inspection will be done and it will be explained in the future. But for now, the uphill vehicle encountered a scrap while going uphill. It went from a big hill to a steep and distant river, generally carrying passengers.”

How many people did the vehicle embarrass?
To our question, they replied, “We are recording the total number. According to the data so far, 47 people have been killed and injured. There are about 6 people who survived unharmed.”

“We have an estimate that the total number of passengers will reach 56 to 60 people,” he said.

“The place is in a river. There is a situation where the local community and the security force are involved in picking up the injured and getting the injured to medical treatment.”

How many people were sent to treatment?
In response to Tikvah’s question, “A total of 21 people have been sent to hospitals. 8 people have been referred to Christian hospitals and are being discharged.”