A senior Lebanese security source said that the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad planted small explosives in 5,000 Taiwanese-made pagers on the communication line of the Lebanese group Hizbollah, which led to Tuesday’s explosion.
This conspiracy has been going on for months.
The attack targeted Hezbollah and overwhelmed hospitals in Lebanon.
Some victims were left blind, while others required amputations. Gold Apollo, a Taiwanese pager manufacturer linked to the deadly explosions in Lebanon and Syria, said the pagers were made by the European company Bassi.
The Taiwanese company Pagers has licensed the product to Basi, based in Budapest, Hungary.
Taiwan’s vital technology industry has been dragged into a fever pitch in the Middle East after it was revealed that thousands of explosives used to kill members of the Lebanese Hezbollah group were manufactured under the name of a Taiwanese company.
Gold Apollo has denied that it produced the AR-924 model pagers that exploded in Lebanon under a license agreement with a European company called Bassi. Analysts say the incident will raise uncomfortable questions for the island nation’s Taiwan technology industry in the future.
“This event will be a big and important lesson for the industry,” said Christy Chiang, a technology law professor at National Taiwan Ocean University.
Taiwan’s tech industry thinks of itself as just hardware manufacturers.
And they have nothing to do with politics;
They do their own business, but they may no longer be trusted by the whole world.